The Life Between Life Soul Regression Session
Life Between Life Spiritual Regression (LBL) is a deep hypnosis technique based on the groundbreaking research and instruction of Michael Newton PhD, author of the best selling books "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls". This process takes us deeper than the subconscious mind where we access past life and early childhood memories. It takes us into the superconscious mind where we access soul level memories.
Past Life Regression As Pre-Requisite
The LBL session differs from other hypnosis techniques in that it requires a deeper level trance; a deep relaxation of the body and a simultaneous alertness of the superconscious mind. People differ in their ability to reach this level of trance so it is advisable to have a Past Life Regression session (PLR) prior to the LBL to first explore your ability to be regressed. It also helps release any unconscious fears about this type of work.
A Past Life Regression session is about two hours. A Life Between Lives session is about four hours including the pre-session interview. (Restroom breaks are incorporated into the session).
What Is an LBL Session For?
It is an integral part of our human design to yearn, to know who we truly are, to strive, to evolve in consciousness, expand to a larger picture of why we live and die.
What is the larger context of the challenges we face emotionally, in physical health, spiritually? How can we discover the relevance and even the original intention for this incarnation? Is there a game plan, specific lessons, intentions for learning and growth we signed up for? What happens after death? Who are my guides? What do I do in the spirit world?
These are the questions that may get addressed during the course of the LBL session.
What Will I Experience?
You will relax in a cushioned recliner chair in a very private country setting in my office. We will begin by reviewing the Cast of Characters and questions that you have prepared. Then we will begin some deep relaxation images for both body and mind. Next the journey begins. The journey begins going back through childhood to deepen the hypnotic trance. We do not explore early life traumas since the focus of this session is the soul state. We stop at the womb to experience the original connection to the body, the original merging of body and soul. Next, I guide you back to a past life in order to enter the spirit world in the natural way - gently moving through the death of a previous lifetime.
Now the deep work, the superconscious explorations begins. What happens next? Who comes to greet you, to guide you? Who is your primary guide? What does it feel like to be in the presence of this loving, all accepting being? Who is in your soul group? Do you meet your soul mate? How do you communicate with these close fellow travelers? How do you help and give feed back to these close ones? What is your soul work? How are you learning and growing in your non incarnated state? How does this all relate to your present incarnation? What is communicated between you and your Council of Elders? This is one of the opportunities to address any questions with these Elders. Questions can also be addressed with your guide. An example of such questions as why did I choose my parents, siblings, this particular body.
You may explore other areas that are unique to your own journey during this session.
People usually have a beatific glow following an LBL. Your life and the challenges you face come into a much bigger context. The places we have felt powerless have light shed upon them. The love that is abundant in the spirit world is now ours to hold in our hearts. It is a precious and awakening journey.
Offices in Healdsburg and Marin