Clairvoyance of the Chakras
Exploring Your Spiritual Nature
Chakras, Clairvoyance, Healing Energy and Beyond
One class each month will be devoted to readings, healing and clinics
This is a multi level class for newcomers and people who have been in previous trainings
In this clairvoyant, meditation, psychic abilities program,
you will learn tools to get to know yourself as Spirit.
What we do with our energy, our creations, what blocks us and how we can manifest
our inner beauty, our uniqueness, our magic.
Psychic abilities encompass much more than learning spiritual anatomy.
It's about you! Who are you? What is your energetic make-up?
Come learn to know yourself as pure spirit, learn to recognize
spiritual freedom and creative energy.
We will be gathering information clairvoyantly, learning how to see
and read energy in ourselves and others.
Sessions One & Two
The 1st & 2nd Sessions will be focused on discovering what we do with our energy; how we give it away; obstruct its flow, absorb pain or how we create everyday miracles, attract to us that which is deepest in our heart's desire. We will begin to explore clairvoyantly the world as a mirror and how to strengthen our spiritual body. Learn how to meditate by connecting to the Heavens and the Earth to release old stories; become available to present time - the place where all creativity exists.
In each session of the class, one chakra will be explored clairvoyantly. The 1st or Root chakra contains the energy of survival. The 2nd chakra houses our clairsentience - the ability to sense the emotions of others as well as our own. They will be explored not in textbook style, but in personal exploration. What does the chakra contain for you? How well is it aligned to its intended purpose, your life's path?
Sessions Three & Four
The 3rd & 4th Sessions will focus on healing. Each participant will be connected to a healing guide for use in personal healing as well as the healing of others. Our healing guide is the first relationship we will create with a spirit who does not have a body. The intention is to break through all the energy that says spirit is not real, thereby having us deny our very own existence.
We will explore the 3rd chakra, our personal power. Can we exercise our spiritual will over our talkative minds to manifest the life we want? Additionally, we will explore the astral body, and our ability to be in or out of the physical body with consciousness.
The 4th chakra - personal love, unconditional love and the role of the 4th chakra as the bridge between the body chakras and the upper chakras will be explored. We will be looking clairvoyantly and learning how to read the layers of the aura.
Sessions Five & Six
The 5th & 6th Sessions will focus on the 5th & 6th Chakras - telepathy, hearing Spirit, creativity, clairvoyance, toning as healing; dissolving personal space into our luminous architecture, how to step outside our own wounding to experience pure energy.
What does the universe look like when we unplug from the 'I', 'me', and our personal agenda? We simply see. We simply exist. Experience the incredible vibrancy that exists beyond our preconceived perceptions.
Sessions Seven & Eight
The 7th & 8th Sessions will focus on the 7th & 8th Chakras; our Crown Soul where we receive continuous inspiration and guidance, and the place from which we are part of the Universe.
We will explore the Akashia, the records of all our deeds and thoughts, the resonant frequency we leave as a mark on time. We will begin working with another spirit helper - The Akashic Record Keeper. This guide is here to help us release past time holdings and come into present time availability. NOW.
Clairvoyance is not so much
something we learn
as something we remember.
The old indigenous soul within us
dreams us back to our essential nature.
Healdsburg |
Stamford |
Long Island |
Clairvoyance of the Chakras - Exploring Your Spiritual Nature |
All Classes Meet : Thursdays 6:30p.m-8:00 p.m |
Sept. 7th / 21st |
Session 1 |
Oct. 5th / 19th |
Session 2 |
Nov. 2nd / 16th |
Session 3 |
Dec . 7th / 21st |
Session 4 |
Jan. To be Decided |
Session 5 |
Feb. To be Decided |
Session 6 |
Mar. To be Decided |
Session 7 |
Apr. To be Decided |
Session 8 |
Total Program Fee: $1500.00 - Non-Refundable deposit #300
Can Divide Balance into 8 payments at first class
Checks made payable to: Susan Feinbloom
(Payments are due at class time, even if you need to miss a class.)
Reserve your space now while there's still time!
Call for information 1 (707) 433 7135